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Social Security Benefits

Social Security Disability Lawyers in Schenectady

If you’re interested in pursuing Social Security Disability benefits, you’re going to need a resourceful and experienced lawyer to help you file your claim. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are meant to provide essential financial aid to people with disabilities. However, the Social Security Administration has specific criteria and disability definitions that must be met before a claim is deemed eligible for benefits.

Unfortunately, most SSDI and SSI claims are initially denied, and claimants can only secure benefits by retaining knowledgeable legal representation. Contact DeLorenzo, Grasso & Dalmata if you’re interested in filing a claim or need to appeal a claim denial. Our Schenectady Social Security Disability attorneys have a thorough understanding of Social Security laws and regulations and are familiar with the appeals process.

Call our Schenectady Social Security Disability lawyers at (518) 299-0314 if you’re ready to file a claim in New York.

Develop A Successful Claim

Legal representation is essential if you want to develop an effective SSDI or SSI claim. SSDI eligibility depends entirely upon your work history and past Social Security tax payments. Your disability status and work history are evaluated by the “duration of work” and “recent work” tests. These tests assess how much you paid into Social Security while employed in correlation to the age you received your disability. This information is reviewed by the Social Security Administration when deciding your eligibility.

SSI, on the other hand, is a Federal income supplement program that offers disability benefits to low-income individuals who lack sufficient work credits to qualify for SSDI. If you are eligible for SSI, you may also be able to access Medicaid and other social services.

SSI may be an option for someone who:

  • Is 65+ years old or disabled
  • Is a U.S. citizen or national
  • Has limited income
  • Is not eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance
  • Is not confined to a government institution

Your disability must be a mental or physical impairment that has persisted for at least a year (or is fatal) and prevents you from holding and performing gainful employment. The Social Security Administration has categorized applicable medical impairments on their website.

We Can Help You

Filing a successful SSDI or SSI claim can be incredibly difficult. It’s important that you don’t give up even if your initial claim isn’t deemed eligible. When your quality of life is on the line, you need to retain the services of a firm with extensive experience and resources. At DeLorenzo, Grasso & Dalmata, our Schenectady Social Security Disability attorneys can help you file a successful claim or effectively represent your case during the appeals process.

We offer 24/7 legal services! Contact DeLorenzo, Grasso & Dalmataat (518) 299-0314 to schedule a free case evaluation.

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  • 24/7 Availability

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