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Should I See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

There are different factors that determine the severity of a car accident and the extent of the passengers’ injuries. Factors such as speed, year, make and model of the vehicle, seatbelt use, the presence of working airbags, etc. all play a role in the seriousness of the people’s injuries involved in the crash.

When someone is injured in a car accident, it may be apparent right away that they need to take an ambulance to the hospital. Perhaps they have broken bones, deep cuts, burns, head trauma, or excessive bleeding. In such cases, the injured person should be transported to a hospital immediately. But other times, the person may be shaken up, but they may be able to walk away from the crash, unscathed by all appearances. Does this mean they should save some time and forgo a doctor’s visit?

A Chiropractor Visit Should Be Mandatory

As far as visiting an ER, that comes down to common sense. If the individual is visibly injured or in a lot of pain or if they are on the fence about going to the hospital, they should go just to make sure they’re okay. But if they’re considering not seeking medical attention, our advice is for such people to see a chiropractor asap.

“Why should I see a chiropractor if I seem to be okay?” For starters, car accidents tend to flood people’s bodies with adrenaline, which is great at masking pain. But after a few hours, days, or even weeks, the adrenaline starts to wear off and the pain starts to set in.

At this time, the individual may be worrying all about the insurance companies, the damage to their vehicle, and trying to recoup their losses, but they forget to place adequate importance on their health. When people fail to seek medical treatment after an accident, they could be extending their healing and recovery time.

If this happens to you and you have an undiagnosed injury, you could end up missing work, you may suffer through many sleepless nights, you may be kept from doing the things you love like working out at the gym or walking your dog, and you may find yourself relying on pain killers just to get through the day.

See a Chiropractor ASAP

Not only should you see a chiropractor to take care of your health and speed the healing process, but failing to seek medical treatment after a car accident or waiting too long can cause the insurance company to deny your claim. So, when should you see a chiropractor after a car accident?

Our advice is to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor within 72 hours of a collision, especially if you did not go to the ER or see your primary care physician immediately after the crash. The sooner you’re seen by a chiropractor, the better for your health and your insurance claim.

Next: Is New York a Fault Car Insurance State?

To get the claims process started, contact DeLorenzo, Grasso & Dalmata, LLP today.